Working to Decrease
Opioid Related Overdoses
in South Pittsburgh
I’m Pastor Lance Rhoades, the director of SPOAC
Lance Rhoades is a knowledgeable and dedicated professional with years of experience in the advocacy work surrounding substance use disorder. He has worked tirelessly to raise awareness and advocate for individuals impacted by substance use disorder, while also developing evidence-based initiatives to reduce stigma and increase access to treatment.
As the Senior Pastor of Tree of Life Open Bible Church in the South Pittsburgh Community, Lance has made it his mission to serve the needs of his congregation and the wider community. His compassionate approach to leadership has earned him the respect and admiration of those around him.
In addition to his pastoral duties, Lance is also the Executive Director of the South Pittsburgh Opioid Action Coalition (SPOAC). Under his leadership, SPOAC has become a leading voice in the fight against substance use disorder in the South Pittsburgh area. Lance has overseen the distribution of hundreds of naloxone kits and helped initiate policies that made access to telemedicine care and syringe service programming more readily available in the community.
Lance has also been a vocal advocate for access to medications for opioid use disorder and worked on city and state-wide coalitions to address the opioid crisis. He has worked extensively to train individuals in person-first language and build strong partnerships with community organizations.
SPOAC’s vision is to support the health and well-being of community members by engaging coalition membership in activities that reduce overdoses and other negative impacts of drug use in South Pittsburgh. Their mission is to build upon the varied expertise and networks of their members to strengthen evidence-based and compassion-centered projects that remove service barriers, increase access to treatment, and reduce stigma for community members struggling with substance use disorders. Under Lance’s leadership, SPOAC has made significant strides towards achieving these goals.
Committee Meetings
General Meeting
Fourth Thursday of the Month
10:30 AM to 12:00 PM
Education, Stigma, and Hard Reduction Subcomittee
First Monday of the Month
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Community Engagement Subcomittee
Second Thursday of the Month
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Executive Commitee
Monday following the General Meeting
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
South Side Slopes
Mount Washington
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Angela Charlton
“Sit cursus ipsum vitae sagittis. Metus cras congue aenean egestas laoreet ipsum ornare donec sit. Eu senectus metus, facilisis gravida integer non. Adipiscing curabitur penatibus viverra lacinia nec ac. Sit velit id placerat libero u
Kason Espinosa
Saif Guerra
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Contact SPOAC
1036 Brookline Blvd
Pittsburgh PA 15226
Phone Number
412-531-0590 x 207