Our Partners

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Mrs. Maria Wunderley
I am a member of SPOAC because I have a lived recovery experience. Overdose numbers in our city and surrounding communities show lives lost to substances. These lives are someone's son, daughter, parent, or partner. I want to enable those individuals to have increased access to life sustaining resources.
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Mrs. Maria Wunderley
My organization serves as a beacon of light in the Brookline Community. We house many ministries, including a food pantry and a clothing ministry. Our recovery ministry seeks to build bridges between the recovery and faith communities so that we may encourage individuals on a recovery journey to pursue an active relationship with their "higher power" who we choose to call Jesus Christ. Our recovery ministry embraces principles of harm reduction, seeking to meet individuals where they're at. Our initiatives are not to leave them there, but to uplift them, adopt them, and show them the love of Christ through provision of their basic needs.